
Working as a security guard can be a rewarding career for those interested in the security industry and public safety. As a security guard, you are in charge of detecting


Surveillance cameras and alarm systems are excellent ways to safeguard your property, but there is one drawback to these types of security measures: they cannot prevent crimes from happening. Moreover,


If you are planning a festival, security should be a top priority. More than ever, people expect security at a private or public event, and they feel peace of mind

Theme parks bring joy to families, kids, and adults alike, which is only possible thanks to the work of team members and expert security behind the scenes. Although a theme


We know that lifeguards are one of the most essential personnel to have at a beach, but what about security guards? You may not think a beach needs a proper


Security patrol is essential to safety and security if you want your commercial property to be thoroughly covered. While cameras and alarm systems are beneficial in their own way, they


Professional security is multi-faceted and adapts to each client’s needs. At Silbar Security, our services range from security guards for small businesses and apartment buildings to event security that protects


Event security is vital to the successful planning and implementation of any event. A professional security team is the easiest way to ensure that all bases are covered, and it