The success of a company depends on how effectively they manage their operating costs and increase their productivity. What most business owners don’t realize is how workplace security is closely tied with employee productivity. That’s right—the safety and security of the workplace can have a significant influence on how people behave and can be productive at work!
Security personnel is mainly responsible for keeping the company and the premises safe. However, there exists an underlying benefit to having a security guard present in the building—which is to instill confidence in all employees that the company is committed to keeping them safe and secure at all times. This, in turn, has a surprisingly significant impact on employee morale, work efficiency, and productivity!
To gain a better understanding of the correlation between security and employee productivity, here are some scenarios where both concepts help create a safer environment for everyone.
1. Security guards act as a deterrent to potential criminal activity
Employees are more likely to focus on their work when they know they are safe from any criminal activity. They entrust their safety and their belongings in the company’s care every time they step inside the office and report to work.
No employee can work at ease if they live in fear of being attacked or being robbed by other people. A security guard is there to provide peace of mind to all the inhabitants of your office!
2. Security guards act as a barrier against external threats
People come and go to your office throughout the day. Guests, clients, vendors, employees, and maintenance personnel all drive a lot of foot traffic in the building. In reality, any of these people can pose a threat to the security of the company.
Having security personnel stand guard and act as a barrier against these threats is crucial to the survival of any business. They provide a layer of protection that prevents unauthorized access to the building that could have devastating consequences.
3. Security guards can prevent tense situations from escalating
Having arguments in the workplace is considered normal in day to day business dealings. Every now and then, tensions may rise and cause a disturbance in the office. It is well within the power of a security guard to diffuse tense situations between the staff.
In any argument, there are always two sides trying to vie for control. Security personnel can act as a neutral party and use their conflict resolution skills to prevent further escalation.
4. Security guards can provide customer service
Contrary to popular belief, security personnel can also provide customer service. They can man the front desk and interact with guests and clients. A security guard can point outsiders in the right direction and locate the correct room or floor they’re looking for.
Employees can easily focus on their work knowing that a security guard is at the front desk to receive guests.
5. Security guards can handle disgruntled employees
There will come a time where the management has to fire an employee for whatever reason. Employee termination has a lot of emotions involved and can give rise to heated arguments.
Situations like this can be easily avoided in the workplace with the help of a trained security guard. They can help ease the transition by escorting former employees off the premises in a more civilized manner.
People don’t realize how vital the role of a security guard is in maintaining peace and letting employees work at ease. The added safety alone is already one relevant reason to have security—but knowing they help your employees should be another benefit to convince you to invest in security too!
If you need highly trained security personnel like no other, trust Silbar Security. We are a security company founded by experienced law enforcement professionals with the goal of revolutionizing the security industry. Visit any of our locations all across the US. Contact us today to learn more about our security services!