4 Benefits of Hiring a Roving Patrol Service for Your Property

Silbar Security Vehicles, patrol security

Roving Patrol Service

When you are managing a residential property or a housing complex, you need to have a proper security plan in place, as keeping the community safe and secure at all times is crucial. Installing security measures within the property, such as CCTV cameras, is a must, but you also have to have people on-site for maximum security. 

A static security guard is a great choice, but if you want to make the community safer, consider hiring a roving patrol service. 

As a property manager, you deal with many issues every day, and the last thing that you need to be worrying about is the people and property’s safety. Roving patrol security combines technology and trained security officers to keep an area safe. Here are some of the benefits of a roving patrol service:

Quick Response Time

A roving patrol team is trained and prepared to provide an immediate response to any on-site incidents. Since they are mobile, you can count on them for emergencies, which is a huge plus for communities. 

GPS Tracking

Property managers need to keep track of where the roving patrol is at any given time. That is why a security service like this comes with GPS tracking, tracking the whereabouts of the officers. The officers use advanced technology to check-in at their assigned locations, detail file reports, and view tour instructions. Property managers can access all this information anytime. 


One of the disadvantages of a stationary security post is that the assigned officer may find it challenging to stay awake during the shift, especially in the wee hours of the morning. When you include a roving patrol into your security plan, rest assured a boost in efficiency because it will eliminate the idle time, fatigue, and distractions of officers. This is because officers who are on patrol will be active and will not stay in one location. 


You may think that hiring a roving patrol is more expensive, but it is a cost-effective solution rather than hiring a full-time and on-site security guard only assigned to one location. 


Roving patrol security is one of the most effective security measures that you can have in residential and commercial facilities today. This type of security service offers more safety and protection, which can help tenants feel more at ease. Aside from that, it can also add more value to the property, whether you’re leasing or selling them.  

You will find that a lot of agencies offer this service due to the many benefits of hiring a roving patrol service. The service also comes in various types, so you may choose whether you want a roving system that operates on vehicles, bikes, motorcycles, or the like. With so many options on the market, surely there is a roving patrol system that will suit your needs. Above all, choose a reputable security agency that can provide you with an excellent roving patrol team for optimal security. 

Silbar Security offers their roving patrol services through police-grade vehicles to ensure the highest crime deterrence. Contact us today.

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